Lets Try This Again, Shall We?
So, lets try this blog again. After we left the campground at Clewiston, we were heading down the Florida Keys, with our campground half way down on Long Key. It was around a 4-hour drive and we did it with no issues. We were told we may have an issue getting a site at one of the State Parks down the keys due to the fact that a lot of Canadians and Americans who like up north go down to the Keys for the winter. We managed to book a campground for two nights, at the State Park. When we arrived and went to check in, the gentleman behind us didn't have a booking, and they only had one site left for one night. The campground was a long skinny one; each site was next to each other with trees between them. Each site backed onto the Atlantic Ocean, with access from each site. We arrived, set up (which we are getting faster at, it consists of hooking up water and electricity, and sewer if we have a dump point, cable if we have a cable access point,
put down the levelers, put out the slide outs, tune the TVs). After we did all that, we went for a walk out to the water, as it was low tide, the water was approx 15m out. You had to walk through little sections of water, with little crabs in them and a creature that kinda looked like a jellyfish/sea cucumber thing, but when Kade touched it his finger went right though it, kinda like a spider web thing. That night we used the grill again, and had chicken, onion, potatoes and garlic. It was awesome. I have fallen in love with grilling :) And it always ends with toasting marshmallows :)

The next day we left the campground and headed back up Florida, the plan was to go to the Kennedy Space Center, until we found the cost to go, and decided to go to the National Wildlife Refuge instead where you can either go for a driving tour or walking one, and best of all, its free :). We stayed at the Kennedy/Titusville KOA and grilled some ribs for dinner. The next day we headed into the Wildlife Refuge, and drove along. We had to stop for a turtle to cross the road. It just stopped and looked at us, then made its way across. We went to the manatee viewing platform and saw at least 5 different manatees swimming around, including a family of what we thought was a dad, mum, teenager and baby. The baby had darker skin and no marks on it from where it had been hit boats. There were two different incidents while we were there that needed the rangers involved. A mother had gone into the do not cross area and was in the lake splashing and trying to pat the manatees with her daughter. While the rangers were dealing with her, a boat went past, speeding even though it was a no wake, no speed area. The rangers called out and the drivers ignored them and sped up. The boat scared away the manatees that had been eating along the shoreline. We hung around for a bit longer and waited to see if they would come back (the manatees) and they didn't. The boat did though, and this time the rangers got them.
We were warned that there was the chance of a major storm coming through, and as we were toasting the marshmallows it JUST started to spit. We came inside to wait the storm out, and we thought it was raining heavy, but really it was just the tide which had come up right to the fence near the camp site.
The next day we drove down to the bottom of the Keys, and I don't know what everyone else’s thoughts of the Keys are, but for us we thought blue water, white sand, palm trees kinda thing. Its not what it is at all. The water is nice, but really, it’s just like driving out to Bribie Island or Redcliffe. There are a LOT of tourist shops, and it is really crowded and busy. We drove down, saw the Mile 0 Mile marker (which was very busy with tourists and no where to park) and then turned around to drive back. There was a tram thing that had a wedding party and their guests in it, and a videographer and photographer taking pictures and video, so the tram wasn’t moving. That meant we couldn’t move. And the cars behind us couldn’t move. So the cars couldn’t see the hold-up and were beeping, but there was nothing we could do. The tram finally moved off, but the videographer decided to stand in the road for another minute getting them till you couldn’t see them anymore. There were a lot of annoyed cars behind us to say the least :) But once they moved and we drove off, we headed back up the keys to our campground. We wanted to try Key Lime Pie while we were at the Keys, and needed to have lunch so we called into a Winn-Dixie to get some groceries, including the Pie, and have a bite to eat. We then made our way back to the campground, and went for a walk around the State Park. We saw a lot of different types of lizards and geckos, and every time we heard the rustle on the path next to us I grabbed Kades arm, he ended up with red marks up and down it. But there were no snakes :)
The next day we headed up to Georgia, finally out of Florida, to a campground just outside of Savannah. It is probably the nicest campground we have been to so far, we are located on the lake, with oak trees and Spanish moss everywhere, ducks, geese and swans. On the way to the campground we passed the smallest church in America, it seats 12 and was built by a lady who deeded it to Jesus Christ when she died. Its a cute little church that survives on donations only. When we got to the campground we booked a tour though Savannah for the next day, including a shuttle pickup and drop off, and contacted the rental company for permission to fix a few small things that were broken or not working properly on the RV. Our main concerns were the oven was not working, its a gas oven and its like the pilot light keeps going out therefore turning the oven off, and one of the air con vents now doesn’t work at the front, but when you put the aircon on it feels like its freezing behind the dash and water drips down. Apart from that it’s mainly broken latches for similar. We got permission to get everything fixed and called the local RV repair guy and arranged for him to come out on Wednesday.
The next day we went into Savannah on our shuttle bus. We had an on/off bus/tram ticket for the company that took us into Savannah, and our first stop was to be at Mrs Wilkes Boarding House for lunch. Mrs Wilkes opens daily from 11 - 2, Monday - Friday. People start lining up at 9. We got there at 10.45 and went inside around 11.30 - 11.40. It was worth the wait. Mrs Wilkes is THE place to eat in Savannah, it is boarding style food, 10 to a table, the bowls are put in front of you and you serve yourself and pass the bowl around. The food is true Southern Style cooking, fried chicken, beef stew, collard greens, okra, sweet potato mash, corn bread, sweet tea, gravy, rice, string beans, broad beans and more, there were 20 dishes in total on the table, eat what you want, as much as you want, for $16 a head. The food was SO good, and as we wanted to taste true Southern cooking we thought it was the best thing to do. After the lunch, we went back on the tram/bus thing and continued the tour. It was raining, but we are now prepared with rain jackets (we learnt from Disney :) ) and even though our legs get wet, we were wearing boardies and thongs so they dry fast.
Savannah is a beautiful town that hasn't changed look really since the 1800's the buildings are not allowed to be knocked down or built on. There are Oak trees everywhere with the Spanish Moss growing on them and cobblestone paths. There is a statue called the Waving Girl Statue, which is a tribute to a lady whose boyfriend left on a boat one day and for the next 50 years she met every boat that came in hoping her boyfriend was on it. He was thought to have drowned at sea.
We were to leave today, which is Wednesday, but after booking the RV repair to come out on Wednesday we booked for another night. I was really tired on Tuesday night, so I was asleep by 9pm, and got 12 hours sleep last night. I woke up, made some coffee, and watched Gilmore Girls. A family of geese walked past the RV door down to the lake, there were around 8 lil ones. I then decided to clean the RV thoroughly, as we had the repairmen coming in and it was time it got a good clean. Kade woke up and helped, and then we waited for the men to come out.
They have just been, and we are staying another night as they try to get some parts for us, they have fixed the Air Con unit though which is good. So we will be leaving here on Friday morning at this stage, most likely heading into South Carolina or North Carolina.
Just as I was about to post this, a couple we met yesterday from Michigan came by to ask if we needed anything from the shop as they were going to get some stuff. We didn't but it was very nice of them to ask.
Mum here, so good to know you are both doing well & have been able top get the small repairs done. Will wait for the next installment...lola mum